Monday, October 17, 2011

Jedis are dumb?

Ok, so before I rant on this subject I just wanna lay some ground rules. Firstly, this is all from the six movies and allusions to the old republic in conversations, not the old republic games. Second, this is not meant to incite any flame war or how, "that was explained in the expanded universe," because it's almost impossible to defend against that since is mindboggling huge. Finally, I assume much of observations have been said elsewhere I just have not read it. Anyway, on with the show...

So why, did not a single Jedi in all the movies not have reflective armor? I mean, and this holds so true to the prequels, but in an age of faster than light travel and the ability to build moon size plant destroying guns, how in gods name has no one grabbed a shower mirror with some suspenders and just pwned the local jedi?

Worse yet the jedi's themselves are an ancient order even in the 4000 years ago old republic universe, so in 4000 years there was not one bit of effort made to say ditch the bathrobes and hoodies in favor of say, I dunno, a makeup compact?

Now you might say the "light" saber is a laser light beam so focused and powerful that it would burn through the reflective surface... Fine. But if that is the case we at least know that they cannot breach shields like those of the rolly drones from Menace. So I am left to think that if some dude or lady were to get a personal shield such as those used by the drones, they would be able to walk up to the hippie ninja and shoot them, right?

But there can be one final argument in that a Jedi has force push and all the other telekinetic abilities and no shield will save you from that, right? No. A god damn gun, with gods damn bullets would allow you to do what the Sith have been trying to do for thousands of years with their own brand of bathrobes and advance laser pointers. Seriously, see almost all projectiles in the Star Wars universe are slow as fuck and can in most cases be deflected, parried or just plain blocked. Where as I need a high speed camera to even glimpse what a bullet does. Just give me sniper rifle and a perch 1000 yards from Yoda's hut and boom, I would have ended the rebellion and spared us years and years of Lucas shitting all over his franchise.

Now this is all fun speculation, but what does amaze me is the Sith, for many millenniums, only came up with the tactic of, "let's do what they are doing but as cyborgs with lighting coming out of our hands and cool leather cloaks. Oh and we get light sabers too but they would be red cause red is cool." I think I came up with this same idea when I was six after looking at my dads album covers, but there was more Zeus riding a dragon. And this idea only worked one time, mind you that time really worked and left only 4 force users alive in the galaxy, but I still go back to this taking 1000s of years to finally be successful. If the Sith are the worst, scariest thing in the universe, why is it I think Dick Cheny and some Blackwater soldiers would have mopped up the Jedi back in the old republic days and had Fox News thank them for it.

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